Thursday, June 26, 2008

Training For Fat Loss

Training for Fat Loss

I am currently training for a sprint triathalon, the danskin. It is 1/3mile swim, 15mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. My main goal is to finish, buuuuut....... I really want to lose more bodyfat. I was sick of just having the "lose bodyfat" goal. I got bored, so I signed myself up for something that was TOTALLY out of my comfort zone!

I dont know how to swim very good. So I took a few lessons and now I am practicing at least 3x a week. I hate to jog...booooooooooooring!!!!!! But I have been jogging at least 4x a week. I do love to ride bikes! woohooo!

To keep my strength and definition I am doing weight training at least 3x a week.

This training schedule is not something I would recommend to someone who want to lose some bodyfat. I am not saying this is what you have to do. As a matter of you should do MUCH less than this! Just to let you in on my workouts this summer I will post them here.

Mon. June 23rd, 2008

walk/jog intervals 1 mile up and down hills

Tues June 24th, 2008

A.M. Swam 8 lengths in the lake (same as pool length)

P.M. Bootcamp

Supersets x 3

A1)resistance band rows 15

A2)resistance band bicep curls 15

Jog around park

B1)spiderman push-up 6 each leg

B2)1-leg squat with alternate toe touch 10 each

Jog around park

C1)side plank w/ pulse-pulse, twist-twist 12 each side

C2)accordian crunch 15

10 burpees

This workout seriously kicked all of our butts! But it felt great!

Wed. June 25th, 2008

Swam 6 laps at the pool

Thurs. 26th, 2008


Supersets 3x each

A1) Spiderman Climb 10 each leg
A2)Dips 12

*Jog around park

B1) Walking Twisting Lunges passing the MB to a partner 10 each leg

B2) Wall sit w/ MB shoulder press

*Burpees 10

C1)Bicycle crunches 15 each side

C2)Scissor kicks 15 each leg

*Jog around park