Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can You Finially Reach Your Goals?

As you may or may not know I am a raving fan of Dax Moy. I have tried his Elimination Diet and now use it with clients to achieve exceptional results.

So a few weeks ago I decided to check out his Magic Hundred program. It is all about setting and acheiving goals in a short period of time. Really applying yourself to what you want and getting it. It actually MAKES you dream again, like many of us have forgotten how to do.

We just go day in and day out same ol thing, different day. But what would you say if someone told you, you could be on your way to (insert day dream within the next 100 days?

I read through the program got excited about starting it, wrote down some hopes and dreams and went to up fed my family, went to work, came home, fed my family, blogged, went to bed and so on as my life goes. Well Monday I had been thinking of really getting into The Magic Hundred. Monday passes and Tuesday morning is getting away from me and but I did manage to print off about 30 of the daily goal sheets to get this going for real this time! No more letting life rule me! I'm gonna do this I thought.....

So I have my sheets printed, I go to a.m. bootcamp, come back and here is a message from Dax like I just bought the program all over again. Seriously just like the time I bought it a couple weeks ago. Since then I have been receiving daily emails from him so I knew it wasn't just a reminder for me to download my program or anything.

I dont know how to explain this but that this was a sure sign that I needed to be getting my rear in gear and REALLY do this! Kinda crazy isn't it??? Well I dont care what ya call it, I started gathering info for my goals. I will let you in on them shortly...another post.

You should check it out, it's really cool! If you liked the Secret you will LOVE this! Click Here!