The Challengers are Ready to WIN!
They are all up for it and ready to have a little friendly competition. They will be judged on all aspects of their loses, bodyfat, weight, measurements, and pictures. Plus how close they came to their 12 week goals.
Just because summer is here doesn't mean MY girls give up! Nope they are die hard, ready to take on any obstacle that gets in their way.
The best part about this challenge is you are all in the same boat, everyone is starting to see some serious changes now. Some have tossed out the big girl panties, some have had to go shopping for pants that wont fall off (oh dear we hate shopping for smaller pants don't we!) and some of you are starting to see muscles you never thought you would have. Some are losing bodyfat for the first time in their life and realizing just how important THAT number is verses the scale.
One of my girls just WON a trip to Hawaii through her job so she is on a mission...watch out for her!
Everyone needs this challenge for different reasons but the one you all share is the circle of support. This will be a great way to have someone there that knows EXACTLY what you mean when you say "I'm so busy" YOU ALL ARE BUSY! Or I "forgot" to eat....do you feel me glare now?
I love you all and cant wait to see all of your changes over the next 12 weeks!
Challenge starts Monday the 7th 2008!