You'll never have to do another useless crunch on a stinky, sweaty
dirty gym mat or hotel room floor EVER again!
...because Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne, has just
released his new CRUNCH-FREE Home Abdominal Workout program.
But hurry, only the first 100 copies come with his extra special
gift for you worth $59.85...
And you'll get his new program that features 5 new TT for Abs
workout programs including...
1) The 4-Week Beginner Introduction to CRUNCH-FREE Ab Workout
2) The 4-Week Intermediate Level ANTI-CRUNCH Ab Workout
3) And THREE Advanced 4-Week Home Abdominal Workouts
PLUS, you'll get...
4) The "TT Abs 300" Workout Challenges (including one for beginners,
intermediate, and advanced fitness levels)
5) The Bodyweight Abs program that you can do anytime, anywhere,
without a single piece of equipment. (This program comes with
beginner and advanced versions too!)
All that, AND STILL MORE...
The TT for Abs Home Abdominal Workouts also comes with...
a) The Advanced Ab Nutrition Meal Plans for Men & Women
b) The 5 Motivational Secrets to STOP Cheating on Your Diet and
Never Skip Another Workout Again
PLUS, the first 100 men and women to grab their copy gets a 3-month
TT Basic Level Membership to the TT forums and workout of the month
AND FINALLY, he's added THREE more 4-week programs to sweeten the
deal and keep you burning fat for another 2-3 months. When you grab
your copy before Wednesday, July 23rd at midnight, you'll get:
1) The NEW "Hot Zone TT Fat Loss Workout"...
...showing you how 4 simple exercises hit all the fat burning hot
zones of the body and help you boost metabolism and burn more
belly fat.
2) "Bikini Ready Abs"...
...from America's #1 Fat Loss expert for Mom's, Holly Rigsby, giving
you another "IN-HOME" fat burning abdominal workout you can do with
minimal equipment.
3) The Big 5 Fat Burning TT Circuit Workout...
...revealing one of the most popular and innovative fat burning
workouts Craig has ever put together. If you love burning fat with
circuits, you'll love this simple 5 exercise solution to getting rid
of stubborn belly fat.
That's an incredible offer, but its only here for 3 days...
...So That You Can Burn Belly Fat and Work Your Abs in the Comfort
of Your Own Home...
As you can see by HIS PHOTO on his new site, he knows how to get abs
without doing crunches or long, slow boring cardio. And he'll show
you all NEW workouts to help you do the same.
Check out Craig's abs and get his new program HERE: http://www.turbulencetraining.com/cbae/?a=rrrXB&p=13
But remember...
1) Only the first 100 copies get the extra bonus worth $59.85
2) The "Biking Ready Abs", "Hot Zone Fat Loss", and "Big 5 Circuit
Workout" are only available as FREE GIFTS for the next 3 days. They
are gone after Wednesday, to be put back in Craig's workout vault
for Platinum TT members only.
Because he knows you can't wait any longer to get working on your
abs...summer is here and passing us by - and so are your chances to
impress everyone with a new body on the beach, at concerts, or in
backyard BBQ's.
Check out TT for Abs for all of the details on this Limited-Time
Special Offer: http://www.turbulencetraining.com/cbae/?a=rrrXB&p=13
So save time and money by grabbing your copy today. But hurry, this
Special Offer expires and VANISHES - Poof, just like your belly fat
will - at midnight on July 23rd.
Get started with the all NEW Turbulence Training for Abs Home
Abdominal Workouts here: http://www.turbulencetraining.com/cbae/?a=rrrXB&p=13
Helping you look great this summer,
ISSA~ Certified Personal Fitness Trainer ~ Carmel Wieland
P.S. The bonuses are gone after July 23rd. In fact, only the first
100 copies get the 3-Month TT Membership bonus. So don't wait, those
will be gone before noon on Monday!
Visit Craig's site to see his abs & get this limited time offer: http://www.turbulencetraining.com/cbae/?a=rrrXB&p=13