How do you get rid of the flabby thighs??
You ever wonder this? Well people ask me this all of the time! I will let you in on a little secret, you know those thigh machines? Well in my opinion they SUCK! They dont burn fat off your thighs. If you really want to get rid of those thunder thighs you have to use compound exercises! Try these on for size....
- Sumo squats with dumbbells or smith machine 15x3
- Stability ball leg curls 15x3
- Romainian deadlifts with dumbbells or barbell 15x3
- Side lunges with medicine ball swing 15 each side x3
- Walking lunges with a twist using a medicine ball 15 each side x3
With these exercises you will be working your whole body! Tone your arms and abs while melting fat off of your thighs and butt too!