Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Important is Your Circle of Support?

What do you think? We have always heard it is important to have support when you are trying to quit smoking, drinking or lose weight. So what happens when you have negative people around you when you are trying to get healthy and make yourself better all around? I never realized how important this was until the other day when I was talking to a friend who was having trouble in a friendship of hers. This person was being so negative about anything she was doing that was good for her. Ever had that happen to you? Well I have, I'm sure most of us have. After we talked for about an hour about other stuff she brought up how frustrated and hurt she was by this other friend again.

The people we talk to and hang out with really do effect us, good or bad. So why not hang with friends who make us feel good about ourselves and the things we are doing to make ourselves better?

Surround yourself with those who think you are wonderful and love you. Those who tell you how great you are doing and who may have the same type of dreams and goals as you do. You will find life much more enjoyable and your goals much easier to reach!

I leave you with this thought from Dick - Applying the Law of Attraction

"Surround yourself with positive people - Negative people can quickly lead to negative thoughts. Make sure your group of friends are those that love and admire you for the great person you are.Eliminate any time spent with anyone who brings you down. You can't afford the hit to your subconscious mind simply to maintain a negative friendship."

Dick, Applying the Law of Attraction

Warp Speed Fat Loss

Im trying something new

As you all may know by know I get bored with things and like to change it up often. So my new journey (besides the sprint tri.) is Alwyn Cosgrove & Mike Roussell's warp speed fat loss program. I have used Alwyn's workouts before I have both of his New Rules books and really liked the challenge. The WSFL program looks just as intense and as a bonus for me comes with menus so I dont have to waste my time planning what I will eat. I will be starting this Monday when my clients start their 12 transformation challenge. The WSFL is just 4 weeks. I will keep updates here for my challenge also.

Here is the WSFL program if you want to check it out for yourself.