Need some real life tips to get you through the holidays? Follow these through the New Year to keep off those 5-10lbs most people gain! That wont be you this year! Use these 6 tips to get sexy over the holidays this year.
1. Dream a little about what you REALLY want, not about what you think is possible. What do you REALLY want?
2. Write it down! Keep it with you in your purse and another copy beside your bed, in your suitcase, and in your car. Where ever you will be this holiday season. Read it morning & night. Anytime you get an urge to binge on fast food or dessert. Just think about your goal and it will pass within 15min.
3. Drink 1 liter of water per 50lbs of body weight.
4. Whenever you leave the house make sure you have a snack, an apple, string cheese, and raw almonds work perfect on the go. Keep this in your car and in your purse.
5. Don't give yourself a free pass to eat everything in site for a week! The holidays are not a free pass to put your weight loss on hold! This will only set you back 5-10lbs
6. Do stock up on your multi-vitamin, omgea's (fish oil), & vitamin D (prograde has THE best vitamins and omega's (fatty acids...efa's). There is a link there on the right if you are looking for a great source. Your vitamins and omega's will ward off hunger and speed up your metabolism.
That's it! Those simple REAL LIFE steps DO work! So you may not be on your normal schedule but you CAN and WILL lose during the holidays!!! So go do it! Lets see that HOT body Feb 14th huh!