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Here are some quick morning meals that will help us feel full but stay true to our clean eating. These are a few of my favorte old stand by breakfasts.
Banana Pancake
2 whole organic eggs
1 banana
dash of cinnamon
Mix in blender or a handheld mixer is really nice. Melt 1 tbs organic butter on med heat in pan. Once butter is melted pour batter into pan and let brown on one side then flip. Once both sides are browned whaalaa you have breakfast! You can sub banana for any other fruit play around with it it sounds weird but it's really yummy!
Berry Smoothie
1/2 cup organic lowfat yogurt with live cultures
1 cup of frozen berries
1 tbls natural peanut butter (fresh ground, adams, or organic from costco)
1 scoop protien powder (vanilla is the best in this) this is the best I have found here
Mix in blender or handheld mixer. Whaalaa another whole meal and cures the sweet tooth too!
Peanut Butter indudgence
1/3 cup organic cottage cheese
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 tsp natural peanut butter (fresh ground, adams, or organic from costco)
2 tbls flax meal
Mix all ingredients with spoon/fork in a bowl (use hand held mixer for smoother texter). This is so rich thick and delicious! Dont let the ingredients turn you off.
Egg & Veggie Scramble
1 cup frozen mixed veggies ( broccoli, carrots, califlower)
1 whole organic egg
2 egg whites
2 tbls salsa
Heat veggies in pan on med heat. Once veggies are thawed add egg and egg whites, scramble together then add salsa. Add hot sauce or crushed red pepper for more spice!
There you have it my favorite morning meals to get out the door in a hurry. Practice on the weekend to see how long it will take you to make and eat these. It only takes me about 10 min to make and 10 to eat at the very most.