It's all happening very quickly! I just told you a yesterday I was chosen to represent Kitsap County in this year's http://www.12daysoffitness.com/ gift-giving.
Well, I have just put the finishing touches on the recipe ebook I'm giving away and wanted to tell you all about it to make sure you don't miss out. After all, you're one of my own subscribers so I want to make sure that you don't miss out, right?
The new ebook is called "Hot Mama's Recipes For a Flat Tummy" and I've got to tell you, I'm really proud of it. In fact, I think it may just be my best piece of work to date because I've added literally all of my favorite recipes that will help teach you about eating healthy, fast & easy. Something that has taken me the last 7 years to experiment with.
The ebook will share secret recipes that I normally only reserve for my one on one clients like:
* Chocolate Muffins
* Mini Pizza
* PMS Pudding
* Breakfast Burritos
* 5 min. meals for Mamas on the go!
And so many more.
In fact, many other trainers have said I am insane for giving away all these secrect recipes but I dont care what they think, I want to make a real difference with this ebook and help you and the 500,000 other http://www.12daysoffitness.com/ readers to finally achieve a Flat Tummy eating REAL food that doesnt taste like cardboard, and that can be made in minutes.
But the thing is this report is ONLY for 12 days of fitness readers. I've promised Dax Moy, who put the 12 days together that I would create an exclusive gift for the program so it may be quite some time before I'm allowed to share it with you and my other readers.
That's why I want to make sure you get on over to http://www.12daysoffitness.com/ right away and sign up for the free gift giving. That way you'll get my Hot Mama Recipes For a Flat Tummy ebook and as many of the other 250 gifts as you want.
So don't miss out on this, or you will regret it!